Monday, July 18, 2011

writing exercised

Well. I did it. Albeit not on Saturday afternoon, as there were house chores to be done and drinks and dinner with friends to be had. I thought about doing it on Sunday, but was too busy procrastinating by scrubbing my floors, cupboards and house clean. The cleanest it's ever been in fact, all thanks to the lovely Portland weather we've been having.

The more I cleaned, the more I pushed back my writing goal, until it was so far down on my to-do list that paying bills was deemed priority. 

Lucky for me, I gave myself an absolute deadline of sharing my writing goal on this blog. And as is so often the case with me, I would rather save face and meet my deadline no matter how crappy the end result. So here I am on Monday night having just finished re-writing word-for-word a book review by Dorothy Parker published in the New Yorker on February 4, 1928.

I don't know if I gained anything from this exercise other than a better appreciation for Parker's incredible wit and sense of humor and a wish that more writings published resembled her sense of style and truth. So much of what is written today seems censored, cookie cutter and saccharine sweet, or, boring, pretentious and stuffy. I also now know how to spell the word acquaintance without the help of Spell Check. She seemed to use that word a lot in this particular review.

Tip of the Day: Keep writing

P.S. Tomorrow I plan to try my hand out at my own book review. It will most likely be censored, cookie cutter and saccharine sweet.

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