Monday, March 21, 2011

mindful monday :: not what you are doing but who you are being

Intention for today:
to focus on who I am being rather than what I am doing.

This so hard to do. Each day I find myself caught in a web of doing. I wrote the intention above earlier today. And then, on my lunch break as I was reading The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila, I came across the line, "God does not have need for doing. God has more need for being."

May I carry this intention with me daily. Especially as I know I will forget it minute by minute as I find myself frustrated with inanimate objects, the mundane chores in my life and the trivial worries that occupy my mind and thoughts.

Thought of the Day: who are you being?


  1. Post it notes!! Put it on a Post It and Post it at your desk, bathroom mirror, and anywhere you tend to find your eyes staring :) I need super sticky ones, mine keep falling off the surfaces... I am trying not to think of this as a sign, just bad adhesion :)
