This post will be a short one, as I just spent a bunch of time re-arranging this blog, making it reflect where I am in my writing process. I am discontinuing "mindful monday" and "food friday" posts in order to make this blog something more honest; a reflection of where I am right now. I was having a hard time coming up with ideas for posts on Mondays and Fridays and some of my posts felt constrained.
A little over a month off of blogging and I am determined not to mold this blog into a cookie cutter version of all the other blogs out there -i.e., themed posting schedules and short, concise, neatly packaged success stories.
Instead I promise to deliver my writing in it's raw form. A poem one day, a journal entry another, a letter, a story, a quote, an anecdote.. who knows, really.
After my break, vacationing and attending the Writer's Workshop sponsored by Hay House Publishing, I have come to realize that writing is a process; a damn long one at that - one that never ends nor promises success. I also realized that I am deeply committed to this process, whatever that means.
Writing is perhaps the only consistent element in my life thus far. So rather than dress it up, fluff it up and try to make an immediate buck off of it, I think I will take the long, messy road ahead and give you the voice I am currently blessed with: an untalented, raw, unintelligent and frivolous one. Any beauty, grace and intelligence that comes from my words is a blessing, and accomplished through me, not by me.
If I am to be resilient, and continue writing via a public platform, this is the only way I know how. And with that, I again affirm my promise and commitment to give of my truth through writing.
This is not to say that my earlier writings were inauthentic, they were not. However, I was writing under the pretext of trying to "get somewhere" with my writing. This is no longer the case. If I arrive anywhere, it will be a pleasant surprise, if I write for myself, and myself only, it is one of the greatest gifts I will give myself.
Tip of the Day: Continue to uncover your truths
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