Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gratitude and the Voice Within

Today on the 26th day of January, 2011 I am 29 years of age, and beyond all else I am grateful.

I am extremely grateful to be blessed with an amazing boyfriend, who makes every day of my life just a little bit more beautiful. I am also grateful to have such amazing friends and family.

Ok, so on to strategies for listening to the heart deep within:

I recently stumbled upon this poem by Richard Brautigan through an acquaintance that I think beautifuly sums up how to listen to the voice within.......

Karma Repair Kit: Items 1-4

Get enough food to eat,
and eat it.
Find a place to sleep where it is quiet,
and sleep there.
Reduce intellectual and emotional noise
until you arrive at the silence of yourself,
and listen to it.

I think one of the most important skills to be able to release the voice within is to relax the mind. This is a very difficult task and I know it sounds silly, but the ability to relax the body and then the mind is such a skill and foreign ability for most of us, that once we learn how to do it... we open ourselves to so much....
Tip of the day: Relax your mind and see what your heart reveals

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! :) I hope you feel a little wiser. I need to relax my mind.
