Monday, February 14, 2011

Mindful Monday :: cultivating destiny

I recently experienced an ancesteral healing and soul retrieval with shaman Christina Pratt.

One of the things I took away from that experience is that I need to be mindful and cultivate the bigger vision that is my life. For me this simply means the following:
-writing and reading more
-developing my spiritual side and contemplative life
-traveling and adventures
-being silly and crafty
-spending time with my best friends and family
-eating healthy and exercising

This also means not focusing my attention and energy on what isn't working- this is very difficult. I often find myself cranky and unwilling to participate in the life I have created for myself as I seem to chase after things I think I want.

An example of this is playing the violin. I desparately want to play the violin, however when it comes down to actually sitting down and practicing the violin, I cannot get myself motivated for the life of me.

An example of something that I want to do and am able to follow through with, is writing on this blog.

In order to cultivate a sense of destiny that feels right to the self, it is important to be able to distinguish between: what I want that provides me with a sense of peace, achievement and is doable (this blog) vs. what I want that sounds like fun or a good thing to do/ something I should want to do (playing the violin).

Sir Ken Robinson distinguishes between these two different versions of want in his book The Element. Check out an interview with the author on The Kathleen Show.
Tip of the day: Don't focus on what isn't working in your life. Find ways to cultivate your destiny and focus on the right wants in your life.

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